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Cadet Training Script

Red Text: Trainer's Notes
Black and Bold Text: Copy and Paste into Habbo
Orange Number: Total Points per Question
Blue Text: Answer


If you find any mistakes or errors or have any suggestions please forward them to the Secretary of Education: JustJoshinn

Go through the teleport and use an empty training room. Stand on the group gate to let your cadet in.







Welcome to the New York Police Department's first of many exciting training courses.


 My name is [username] and I will be your trainer for your first session.

Change [username] for your rank and username.


Before we begin, I'd like to let you know we use discord for communications.


Please let me know now if you're uncomfortable with this.

Wait for their response, if they are uncomfortable with using discord, they cannot continue the training.


During this exciting process, you will learn all about the NYPD and your new career.

You will be taught about our pay system, regulations and

what you must do to ensure the success of your future within the NYPD.


As the training begins please be aware there will be a short examination near the end.

This will test the knowledge you have learnt and give some insight into what your future may hold.

The first section of this course is automatic, you will be shortly teleported to the rollers.

Before we start, are there any questions?

Await a reply from the cadet/s and answer any and all questions they may have




Step on blue tiles. A tile will appear for the recruit. tell them to step on it

they will be begin rolling. What they see is below




We will start off with basic commands used in base, which must be followed at all times.
FTF - Fill the Front. This is where recruits will be directed to, and existing members will enter.
FTB - Fill the Back. These are the seats you will sit when you need to AFK.
ATT - Attention. You must stand and face your superior, wave and say "Yes sir/ma'am" respectively.
You must not leave an ATT unless you are told to AE.
AE - At Ease. You are dismissed from ATT, and may continue with your duty.
BTB - Back to Base. When this is said, all workers must report back to NYPD HQ.
AoD - Attention on Deck. All employee's must perform an ATT to the command superior.
CTH - Clear the Hall. You are to clear the walking space in any hallway, immediately.

We will now move on to the Rules & Regulations.
1. Respect everyone, regardless of Age, Gender, Beliefs or Rank.
2. Always respect and listen to the orders given by your Superior Ranks.
3. Always wear your correct NYPD motto and badge whilst in base.
4. Never self-promote or double-job
5. Do not ask for promotions, pay room rights or badge admin.
6. There shall be moderate use of capitals, not to be used for spamming.
7. Do not go AFK or idle in the working stations, this includes FTF, FTS and FTT.
8. Dancing and using effects is prohibited in base, unless approved by events or Foundation.



Do you have any questions about what you have just read on the rollers?

Await a reply from the cadet/s and answer any and all questions they may have


We will now go over your first duty which is to man the front row (FTF).


The front row serves as the face of the agency and thus you,


will be required to welcome any and all people who enter.


When a potential new member comes to your desk, you are to check their motto


and determine whether they are to be recruited or are already employed within the NYPD.


If their rank is to the best of your knowledge credible you may open the gate for them.


If they wish to join our agency, you are to give them the motto "[NYPD] Cadet".


From there, you will ask them to join and favourite the NYPD badge located


in the HQ lobby followed by changing into the uniforms provided.

If all checks out, you may let them in for training by saying "-gate".

Any questions on recruitment?

Await a reply from the cadet/s and answer any and all questions they may have


I would like you to begin the process of recruiting me for the agency

Have the recruit do a recruiting scenario. Help them if needed.


Take them back to the training chair

We will now test your knowledge of the rules, regulations and all other information stated above.

Again, you may use any resources needed. Only when you pass are you able to move

onto the rest of the training. If you fail, you must seek re-training from another trainer.

Are you ready?

Await a reply from the cadet/s and answer any and all questions they may have







NYPD Cadet Test
Only copy and paste bolded lines!
Question 1: What does the term FTF mean, and what must you do?

2 points 

Fill the Front - Sit at the front desks, start recruiting or let workers in

Question 2: What does the term CTH and AoD stand for?

2 points   

CTH - Clear the Hall / AoD - Attention on Deck

Question 3: Please list two rules you have learned in training.

   2 points

1. Respect everyone, regardless of Age, Gender, Beliefs or Rank.
2. Always respect and listen to the orders given by your Superior Ranks.
3. Always wear your correct NYPD motto and badge whilst in base.
4. Never self-promote or double-job
5. Do not ask for promotions, pay room rights or badge admin.
6. There shall be moderate use of capitals, not to be used for spamming.
7. Do not go AFK or idle in the working stations, this includes FTF, FTS and FTT.
8. Dancing and using effects is prohibited in base, unless approved by events or Foundation.

Question 4: When an HR+ calls you to Attention (ATT), what steps must you perform? 

2 points 

Stand and face the HR, wave and say yes sir or ma'am

Question 5: When someone comes to your gate, what must you check for? 

3 points 

Badge, motto, and uniform

Question 6: What is the correct motto to give to incoming users at your desk seeking recruitment? 

1 point

[NYPD] Cadet​​​








Copy and paste this next section if they passed training [9 points or more] . If they didn't pass skip to the last section of this script




Congratulations! You have successfully passed the examination


You scored 0/12!

We will now move on to NYPD Payment. We pay 6 times a day. 


There are 6 separate pay times 12AM, 4AM, 8AM, 12PM, 4PM and 8PM EST.


You will get paid according to your rank at an hourly rate.


You can claim the amount of hours worked at each of the six pay times.


You can claim up to 7 hours of work every 24 hours.


You must also have at least 3 hours of station time to claim pay.


Anything less than 3 hours will not be accepted.

To earn pay, you must request the pay badge and request for pay in


the #pay-requests channel. 


There are also weekly bonuses you can claim to acknowledge


your hard work within NYPD.


Check the pay guide on the website for more information about pay.


There will be a bot in base doing AFK checks  to ensure no one is AFK at station.


If you fail to respond to this AFK check you will lose -30 minutes from your station time.


If you are idling at FTF for over a minute, you will receive -30 minutes from your station time.


To check your station time, you can use the command -check.


We also have a pay point shop, where you can choose pay points


instead of promotion or coins during pay time, if you keep saving points you


can eventually buy HC, Builders Club, Promotions, or even a bundle of credits.


Please now change your motto to: [NYPD] Agent I [Your Tag]

Wait for them to change their motto correctly.

Keep in mind you need to remember your promoter’s username when entering security.
Make sure they have changed their motto correctly before proceeding.


Now that you are a part of our agency, you must join our discord server.


This is mandatory, so you can receive all pertinent communication on it.


You can find the link directly on habbonypd|net.

I will now wait until you have joined it, if you need any help let me know.

(Help them join the discord server)

If they do not want to make an account on discord they are not allowed to join the agency.


We will now go to base, where I will assist you in finding a tour guide.


Please let me know now if you do not wish to receive a tour.

Congratulations and welcome to the New York Police Department!

(Go back to base and assist your transferee in finding a tour guide at the tour desk).

Head to the portal and post them. To accurately get their username, whisper them and then copy their username from the chat box.​



Copy and paste this part if they failed training [Less than 9 points]


Unfortunately, you have failed this training session. Do not be upset,


you will be able to retry again. This ultimately means you will be


unable to join our agency at this time.


Would you like to give the training another go?

(If they would like to begin the training again but do so in a more deliberate manner, so they have more time to learn.)


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